Thanks to everyone who supported the project!
Thank you for not remaining indifferent. This will help change things for the better.
lidska prava v cine
David Kilgour

“Thanks to all involved. Thanks for all you do for human dignity.” – David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State.
Lidská práva v Číně
Ethan Gutmann

“A new human rights comic book from our friends in Prague. And they need money to do more pictures of me, so please give generously! Now I can die peacefully.” – Ethan Gutmann, American journalist and writer.
Yumei Liu

The comic book project was supported by a former prisoner of conscience. Yumei Liu, from China’s Liaoning Province, is a direct victim of the persecution of the Chinese regime. Today she lives in asylum in Finland. In China, she was arrested and tortured nine times as part of so-called “re-education” led by the Communist Party. Her father, mother and younger sister died as a result of the repression. More…
Jan Čižinský

“We are faced with a terrible crime that will one day be reported in the same way as the atrocities of Nazism or the atrocities of the so-called Islamic State. What can we do about it? Maybe support this project.” – Jan Čižinský, Mayor of Prague 7.
lidska prava v cine
Jitka Hospr

“As you know, together we have already performed human rights concerts for China in Prague in 2011 and 2014. At that time, I called our effort to disseminate information an analogy to David and Goliath. I am pleased that this idea has developed into a very interesting illustrative form. I think that today, when the whole world is fighting a pandemic for which China refuses to take responsibility, the subject is more than up for debate.” – Jitka Hosprová, a leading Czech viola virtuoso.
Pavel Šafr

“I support this project. This comic book is intended to support the efforts of an interesting group of free-spirited activists to free the Chinese. These are people who are fighting the Chinese totalitarian regime. They are partly Chinese emigrants and partly Chinese culture fans. They expose the crimes of the Communist government in Beijing. That’s why I’m cheering for them.” – Pavel Šafr, longtime editor of newspaper and magazine titles.
Lidská práva v Číně
Lidská práva v Číně
Marta Kubišová

“I extend my support to this project. While this is the umpteenth human rights challenge, the cruel fate of incarceration and involuntary organ harvesting in Chinese prisons cannot be ignored. Especially at this time and in relation to China.“ – Marta Kubišová, Czech singer and anti-totalitarian campaigner in the former Czechoslovakia.
Lidská práva v Číně
Lidská práva v Číně
Antonín Baudiš

“Especially because of my love for China, I share this call for a comic book collection that enlightens government-mandated organ harvesting among prisoners in China. They are often members of the Falun Gong movement, who are known for their perfect health.” – Antonín Baudiš, astrologer and visionary.
lidska prava v cine
Lidská práva v Číně
Roman Joch

“China’s communist regime rules over the most populous country in the world, enslaving more people than any other. It is increasingly a threat to the outside world and abroad. At home to its own citizens, it is absolutely brutal and knowingly murders innocents. The fundamental moral duty of today is to point out the horror and criminality of this vile but powerful and wealthy regime – all the more dangerous. It’s a big deal. People need to realize its true character before it’s too late.“ – Roman Joch, director of the Civic Institute.
Human rights in China
Tomáš Zdechovský

“I support this project, which can inform the general public in an accessible form about the serious problem of the abuse of prisoners of conscience in China for organ transplants. The project is also close to my heart because I myself have called several times, not only on the floor of the European Parliament, for a halt to the removal of organs from prisoners of conscience in China and for an investigation into these illegal practices. I am very glad that there are people who are not indifferent to the bleak human rights situation in China.” – Tomáš Zdechovský, member of the European Parliament.
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